Historischer Wanderweg Sand

von Manfred Dasbach und Udo Harler

Kapitel 1
Die Kirche St. Severin Sand

Seiten 11 - 15

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Seite 1

flagge eng 1: The Church of Saint Severin Sand
Around 1300 the (former) church was a so-called independent church belonging to the Knight of Sand. The vassal, in this case the knight, had a church built at his expense and was the owner of all rights and duties. The church was consecrated by the bishop but remained the property of the founder. He had the right to choose his own priest. In later years these rights were to be substantially cut back. In the wake of the rapidly increasing industrialization the number of the villagers grew so rapidly that the small church in the old church yard became too small.

Seite 2

flagge eng In 1869 the parochial church council decided in favour of a new church building. All seemed to go well as the plot was bought, donations collected and construction work made good progress. Then the unexpected happened: the half-finished tower collapsed. The remaining part of the structure was a poor sight. The local newspaper likened it to a heap of ruins.

Seite 3

flagge eng The architect and the chief mason were found guilty of bad workmanship and insufficient care. While the architect got away with a fine the mason went to prison for six months. They both had to pay for the rebuilding of the tower. Once erected the rest could be finished without any problems, so that in 1881 the neo-gothic basilica with its three naves could serve its purpose. At the beginning of the sixties the church was being done up. In accordance with the spirit of the age it was “cleared out”. The natural stone walls were covered with white plaster and irreplaceable values such as pews, altars, the pulpit, paintings and statues were done away with.

Seite 4

flagge eng Soon it became evident that the maintenance work had been insufficient. This was due to the poor workmanship when the church was built. From 1978 to 1981 it therefore underwent a total rehabilitation. It also received a new two-part organ that didn't obstruct the view of the beautiful stained-glass window at its back. (The small church in Delling was given the old organ.) In the main entrance you will find the memorial slabs of two important villagers. They were brought here from the old church yard so as to protect them from destruction. One is in memory of the Baron von Leers who in the mid 17th century was the owner of Manor Lerbach. The other commemorates the life of our heroic pastor Johann Peter Ommerborn who from 1826 to 1837 was priest in Sand and who had the beautiful old vicarage built in the vicinity.

Seite 5

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